Clinical charting management





Package of tools that will give you autonomy and agility in the management of the medical records of your patients.


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  • Importing patients ' records – using a simple Excel spreadsheet, you can quickly import your patients ' registers.
  • Scanning of charts- optimal functionality for digitizing your files, capturing the images directly from your scanner to the patient's chart inside the Athimos. In addition to the traditional form of digitizing in alphabetical order, it contains unique elective scanning capability, according to your schedule, streamlining the process.
  • Unification of medical records – in addition to Athimos help you avoid duplicate registrations of your patients, it also provides a unified medical records tool, where you even unify the registers leaving the services and documents in a same Place.
  • Exportation of medical records-export the chart of any patient, with documents in PDF format and organized by attendance. This allows you to hand over the entire chart to your patient or take it wherever you need to.


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